Genesis 2:9
The LORD God caused every tree that is both beautiful and suitable for food to spring up out of the ground. The tree of life was also in the middle of the garden, along with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
This is a season where I am in the middle. I am in the middle of relationships, vocation, finances, location, and health. I am in the middle of waiting for relationships to start and some to end. I am in the middle of God calling and asking for another yes. I am in the middle of reallocating resources and gaining a new perspective on money. I am in the middle of selling my home and possibly buying another home. I am in the middle of making healthy choices that will determine the quality of my life.
I am in the middle.
Like the tree of life in the middle of the garden, I am in the middle of my life.
This is not a midlife crisis, but it is a time when I am changing my perception of relationships, vocation, finances, where I live, and how well I want to live; emotionally and physically healthy.
It is my understanding that the tree of life represented the life we could have as believers if we continually followed and obeyed God. This tree was amongst the tree of good and evil; which was forbidden because God is the source we need.
I do not have a list of things that I am checking off that is ushering me into living with a changed perspective, but rather my perception is changing and as a result, my perspective about relationships, vocation, finances, where I live, and a healthy lifestyle is changing.
I have learned that like the tree of life is in the middle along with the tree of good and evil; I am in the middle of my life and have to replace every lie with the truth of God. I have learned that the tree life is all I need, the living God is all I need. I don’t need culture (the tree of good and evil) telling me how to choose relationships. I don’t need social media telling me what I should look or feel like. I have learned that I can be in the middle of my life as the tree of life was in the middle of the garden and trust that God is with me. I am learning that while I am exposed to culture our God is the same as He was when He planted the tree of the middle of the garden.
Have you ever been in the middle?
Are you in the middle now?
What will you do when you experience the middle?
Father, I thank you for being with me in the middle. I am grateful that when I don’t know what I need you always know what is best for me. Just like Jeremiah was reminded in chapter 10 verse 23 “I know, Lord, that a person of life is not his own; no one who walks determines his own steps''; Jeremiah acknowledges that he is not his own and that God your agenda is Jeremiah's agenda. Lord God your agenda is my agenda and so while I am in the middle I will trust the tree of life. I will draw from the well that never runs dry. I can be in the midst of culture and good and evil and today Father I choose you.
